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If this is what you actually do for a living, and have done for any substantial amount of time, I have to congratulate you for reminding me what envy feels like.

And if your real job is something more mainstream and this is just a side project, then I have to congratulate you for making it look like you have had all the time in the world to put into it.

But above all that I'm just happy that something like this exists, it feels like what the web should have grown into more broadly, back when it looked like everyone was going to make their mark on the world by meticuloudly curating something interesting about themselves to share with the rest of us.

Thank you. Yes, 100% funded through memberships (https://craigmod.com/membership/) and book + print sales (https://shop.specialprojects.jp/products/kissa-by-kissa-4th-...) since basically 2019.

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