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I started NLJ back in 2020. It is built with WordPress (hosted on Hetzner VPS and managed with Cloudron). I have published more than 800 articles and 350 short-form posts (almost all posts by me, but my friend has published 30something articles). I write about whatever interests me (I tell myself this means there is something for everyone). Common topics include, but are not limited to, tech (digital ownership, open source software, feeds, and my learning Linux), history (usually American or Roman), old books and poems, anime, visual novels (mainly English translations of freeware NScripter/KiriKiri novels), photos from my walks, fictional dialogues, and occasional commentary about life in NYC.


I am testing out Memos (https://github.com/usememos/memos) for short-form notes and microblog-style posts, but very much a side project next to NLJ. Neat little tool.

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