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Been writing on it for almost 18 years - a mix of tech, design, photography. Custom designed myself, but built with Jekyll.

Some recent posts:

- https://paulstamatiou.com/stuff-i-use/ (a set of "gear" pages i've been trying to keep up to date)

- https://paulstamatiou.com/digital-clutter/ (Digital clutter: Learning to let go and stop hoarding terabytes)

- https://paulstamatiou.com/revisiting-the-apple-ipod/ (Revisiting the iPod: Buying and using a 20 year old iPod)

- https://paulstamatiou.com/craft/ (Craft: Thoughts on elevating product quality)

- https://paulstamatiou.com/building-a-windows-10-lightroom-ph... (Building a Lightroom PC: Why I switched to Windows and built a water-cooled 5.2GHz editing machine)

> https://paulstamatiou.com/revisiting-the-apple-ipod/ (Revisiting the iPod: Buying and using a 20 year old iPod)

This was an interesting read but didn't describe what it was like to _use_ today, other than comparing UI interaction to older and modern devices. Did you try using it as your everyday music player?

Very interesting blog Paul! Thanks for sharing!

One question: do you feel your organic traffic is hurt due to the fact your blog topic is too wide?

> https://paulstamatiou.com/digital-clutter/

Found your site a long time ago, and love the design.

Great design, great content. Got stuck on your site for far too long.

This is the best one in here! Absolutely fantastic design! Don't stop posting!

Your PC setup space looks fantastic.

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