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I feel a tad awkward because 1) I only started this last week 2) I'm not super tech-y or owt like everyone else here, I'm just a bloke who knows his limits. It's very lightweight & basic and inspired by the likes of bearblog and other small blogs.


It's for expressing general thoughts really, and it serves as a fun trial by fire as every little change inevitably runs into problems, but it's a nice learning experience. Hopefully my writing isn't terrible!

You’ve got me beat. https://willabides.com. I haven’t posted anything yet.

Give me a shout when you get around to writing something. Even if what you post goes over my head I'll be happy to check it out!

Nice and simple. What do you do to generate your changelog btw?

This'll probably sound silly but like everything else on the site I do it manually. I take notes of major changes I make to the site and write them down on that page.

I couldn't wrap my head around Jekyll* or any other service you can self host, so I figured that I could still put my stuff out there by making each page like it's 1999.

I realise that it's not the best option for the future, the other day I decided to change how the title tags looked, thus I went ahead manually changing it on every page. Without some script to fix that for me, it'll become a larger task with every post I make.

* I've only recently installed Linux on my ThinkPad – a process I'm procrastinating writing about – and my head's been a tad too scrambled at the moment to focus on it.

>This'll probably sound silly but like everything else on the site I do it manually.

No, that sounds incredibly sane! You'll know when it stops being so.

Keep writing!

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