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More thought out blog posts:


Weekly updates, rants:


Been off and on with blogging but next half of 2023 really committing to at least posting more monthly retrospectives and hopefully more articles .

In the past I've written more technical articles but going forward I'll be writing more articles about boostrapping , indie hacking, and software entrepeneurship which I am full time focused on

My most popular Hacker News posts were

Simplest App That Makes Money : https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34101016 (213 points, 94 comments) - post about making simple and monetizable apps as an indie hacking starting point

Real Problems That Web3 Solves: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29797310 (168 points, 305 comments) - arguing that there are some valid use cases that ethereum enables

Both of those articles were somewhat controversial and I am no longer working on the first app in question nor anything in crypto. The controversy of both posts was a small factor in me deciding to focus on other things. But I guess controversy gets views since they are by far my most popular posts. But going forward hoping to get the views without the controversy by just posting useful stuff (although even then, I thought my Django vs NextJS post was as tame as it gets and I got a shocking amount of hate mail for that one).

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