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Absolutely insane visuals - that does really make me want to play around with Makie. Bravo!

Traditionally, time to first plot has been awful in Julia. I remember using about 30 seconds back in 2018 to render my first Gadfly image. How is Makie doing on this front?

Makie is almost 100% written in Julia and a pretty big library by now... So not so great ^^ But Julia 1.9 now supports caching binary and we also worked a lot on improving compile times, so after `precompiling` Makie (which, admittedly takes a while), time to first plot can be under a second:

julia> @time using GLMakie

  4.954254 seconds (9.99 M allocations: 617.151 MiB, 7.81% gc time, 0.58% compilation time: 39% of which was recompilation)

julia> @time display(scatter(1:4))

  0.780343 seconds (672.09 k allocations: 51.171 MiB, 2.08% gc time, 63.66% compilation time)

Also get hyped for 1.10 (alpha coming soon) (1.9 included because my computer is apparently slower than simons):


julia> @time using GLMakie

  3.350991 seconds (3.62 M allocations: 224.447 MiB, 5.41% gc time, 0.55% compilation time)
julia> @time display(scatter(1:4))

  0.799333 seconds (410.41 k allocations: 39.615 MiB, 2.36% gc time, 76.37% compilation time)

julia> @time using GLMakie

  8.004230 seconds (10.56 M allocations: 643.198 MiB, 5.43% gc time, 0.49% compilation time: 47% of which was recompilation)
julia> @time display(scatter(1:4))

  1.096839 seconds (681.36 k allocations: 53.541 MiB, 2.42% gc time, 74.83% compilation time)

To clarify the above, precompilation usually only happens when installing or upgrading the packages.

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