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Thank you, sir! If you get a paper copy, you can mail it to me for autographing.

(Media Mail at USPS makes shipping about $3, so it isn't really that expensive.)

Thanks for the kind offer! But this would be Europe/Austria — I guess, I'd rather spare ourselves the postage. (Let's see…) :-)

PS: Lowe is quoted in "Delete." with, "The Aquarius would have blown the socks off of everybody. I felt, and a lot of people felt this was going to be a big deal and make IBM believe in this whole business." Now imagine that frustration… They had invented, designed and developed iPhone-like home computing in 1977, and they believed in it and in its transformative potential, and then they came out of the meeting that should have approved it all with the project canceled.

(I understand that IBM didn't want to risk the reputation of their core business by deploying a potentially unreliable technology for what must have still been an experiment to them. [Well, that changed with the Jr. ;-)] But, I think, this also illustrates that personal/home computing ultimately had to come out of startups and not from industry leaders. As you rightly observed, IBM eventually managed to square the circle by implementing a startup-like process and putting their weight behind it. But they probably learned it the hard way.)

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