"Retina Display" should have a very clear definition. It should refer to resolution at which anti-aliasing becomes unnecessary. Anti-aliasing is rightly classified as a hack placed on top of modern drawing systems, and one of the reasons that many games don't support it out of the box. With a high enough resolution, anti-aliasing technology will become irrelevant.
This is going to be different for each resolution depending on the distance that you view it at, I built a quick image that you can test this on. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1437645/alias.html Put that on your phone or desktop and see how far you have to step back before the aliasing affect disappears
This is going to be different for each resolution depending on the distance that you view it at, I built a quick image that you can test this on. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1437645/alias.html Put that on your phone or desktop and see how far you have to step back before the aliasing affect disappears