I've had a quite a bit of feedback that I've moved the viewing distances too far out. I measured from my own experiences, but I guess I must be atypical. It might be because I use dual monitors on the desktop (I have a 27" and a 26", so I sit back to reduce head turning) and slump when I have a laptop in my lap.
Anyway, I've expanded the spreadsheet that goes with the post to include some extra settings for closer distances and for your specific distances and devices.
I've had a quite a bit of feedback that I've moved the viewing distances too far out. I measured from my own experiences, but I guess I must be atypical. It might be because I use dual monitors on the desktop (I have a 27" and a 26", so I sit back to reduce head turning) and slump when I have a laptop in my lap.
Anyway, I've expanded the spreadsheet that goes with the post to include some extra settings for closer distances and for your specific distances and devices.
Hope this helps!
Here's the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Aq8W2-V7OXqfdGV...