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Are you suggesting the advice in there isn't applicable in other domains? Or just that it uses games as an example?

The second, more or less.

The advice is certainly applicable in other domains, however the explanations and examples used in the book are heavily focused on software that will be executing repetitive code in a frequency-controlled loop, that loops over arrays of arrays. This also applies to simulation software.

There are some key characteristics on this kind of software that may or may not be present in other domains. Once deeply inside game development, these characteristics are like the oxygen you breath, and become intrinsically ingrained in how you think. This is the case with this book and author: I have the impression he thought gamedev-focused examples were general and not specific.

As I said, I was really positively influenced by this book, and I tend to go back to it from time to time. Always worth it. Just be aware of what it is focused on.

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