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I'm Italian and I live in Italy, and sometimes I see really interesting startups that (IMHO) could be successfully launched in Italy too. Sometimes I think I could be a copycat like these guys, sometimes I think I could just adapt their idea to my country market , other times I think about contacting the (tipically) US startup guys and ask them if I can help them in some way to launch here.

So, maybe it's time for a new (?) kind of job, the New Market Facilitator (or helper or.. feel free to find a better matching english term for it): a person that could be contacted to evaluate a specific market (i.e. a country), that can deal with localization, local laws etcetera.

What do you think?

PS if anyone is interested in launching their service in Italy, feel free to contact me at startup.in.italy@gmail.com (freshly made :D)

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