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I've tried to push entity-component-systems (ECS) for non-game applications. A financial company in London took that advice to manage the complexity of their system since it was such a good fit.

For those who are curious, here's a very brief introduction to ECS: https://dev.to/ovid/the-unknown-design-pattern-1l64

Would you mind to elaborate a bit on your system? I tried to do something similar for an algo trading system, but in the end I hadn't enough entities to justify the approach.

I think there's a widespread misconception about the reason ECS exists and what problems it solves. It's a design for a general-purpose game engine where it solves the problem of having some conception of the game world and the things that make it up without knowing in advance what those things will be. This is a common issue with loads of different approaches in game engines.

ECS contrary to popular imagination doesn't have to be implemented with data-oriented principles and there are lots of implementations, particularly in dynamic languages that use the same design without the performance boost you might get once you do follow them. Once you unpick the data-oriented rabbit hole you quickly discover it also largely complicates the original design.

If you have a specific thing in mind then use the data-oriented principles on that and skip building something general purpose. This works for games as well as business applications. It'll be much simpler and easier to make performant.

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