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At a previous F100 company -- a tech company whose products are widely used, we'll say -- we received guidance that RDBMS was verboten except with explicit approval. This had nothing to do with the best ways to model a given dataset, or achieving the best performance, and everything to do with schema flexibility and a history of outages caused by fucking up schema migrations. These problems weren't occurring in our NoSQL designs, and whatever benefits SQL databases offered didn't counter the huge benefits we gained from NoSQL's lack of rigid schema.

Of course, bad uses of key-value stores can have massive performance impacts, and huge monetary costs when leveraging cloud platforms like DynamoDB -- I've seen a lot of cases where people didn't properly structure their data for DDB, and ended up performing loads of scans and sending costs through the roof.

I read that as "We don't want things to crash immediately when the data model changes. We want things to keep chugging along until the last possible moment, when we will realize we've been silently corrupting everything"

> schema flexibility

If the business is of the notion that the schema is "flexible", then it is probably time to bring all of the MBAs into a conference room and have a come-to-jesus conversation about the limitations of information theory and human suffering.

At a certain point, when someone says "Widget", everyone in the organization needs to be on the same page. This goes well beyond any specific technology.

And then there are silent query failures. Want to change “name”: “John Smith” to “name”: {“first”: “John”, “last”: “Smith”}? Easy! No schema migration!

But you have to modify all your queries to support both old and new formats, or stop the world and change all the data (after modifying all your code, including dynamically generated queries).

And if you don’t, your queries fail silently.

> and everything to do with schema flexibility and a history of outages caused by fucking up schema migrations. These problems weren't occurring in our NoSQL designs, and whatever benefits SQL databases offered didn't counter the huge benefits we gained from NoSQL's lack of rigid schema


"Data consistency issues? We'll catch those during integration"

Hybrid solutions are possible; e.g. JSONB in Postgres, where you can still index and join with decent performance.

Sounds like a company whose end users are mostly not their customers.

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