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Perl 7 plan has been abandoned?

The original perl7 plan never got past the RFC stage for multiple reasons.

The current intent is to get things like the new class syntax (plus a number of other features, the exact list of which escapes me right now) shaken out and stabilised and then release a perl7 where 'use v7;' gives you the new baseline set of features while still being able to be /usr/bin/perl without breaking e.g. the PostgreSQL and OpenSSL and etc. build systems.

See "What happened to Perl 7?" from the Perl Steering Council in May last year: https://blogs.perl.org/users/psc/2022/05/what-happened-to-pe...

I presume this statement from May 25 is still valid: https://blogs.perl.org/users/psc/2022/05/what-happened-to-pe...

Discussed on HN back then:

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31515787 (237 comments)

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