jpablo -- the seasons are produced by the tilt of the earth axis because the earth rotates around the sun. (The earth's axis always points in the same direction relative to the distant stars, so the planet's tilt changes relative to the sun as the planet orbits it.)
Those two statements do not conflict. Seasons are the result of the Earth orbiting around the sun, just not the way most people think. Most people would say it's because we're getting closer or further from the sun, which is incorrect. What's really happening is that as we orbit around the sun the Earth's inclination (difference between our axis of rotation and our orbital plane) causes either the northern or southern hemisphere to face the sun more and thus get more sunlight. Thus, seasons are the result of both axial tilt and rotation around the sun.
The next time you feel the urge to pour disdain on an article because of a supposedly-incorrect statement, I suggest two things. First, make sure it's actually incorrect. Second, beware of especially wrt to typos.