Where, again, the distribution of opinions is more easily explained by "we don't generally want to endorse invasions as a concept, because we're afraid of them" and "we got leaned on".
Although the UN vote was presented as an unequivocal condemnation of Ukraine invasion, the condemnation of the invasion actually came from countries representing just over 40% of the world's population.
The % of the world population that sanctioned Russia (i.e. that made a gesture that involved sacrifice) was smaller still.
I dunno if you've even looked at both maps they look nothing like each other.
The support for the resolution for Russia to leave Ukraine has far more support then the invasion of Iraq and even has large amounts of support amongst people with didn't support the invasion of Iraq.
> Although the UN vote was presented as an unequivocal condemnation of Ukraine invasion, the condemnation of the invasion actually came from countries representing just over 40% of the world's population.
Yeah and what percentage of the population voted against it?, im gonna guess without even really googling that is <3% of world population.
> 4x. More, because America's power to lean on other countries is higher. As I said.
What you really mean is “per some made up number I pulled out of thin air”.
You’re mad because you asserted things that all turned out to be incorrect and now you’re trying to apply made up maths to prove yourself right.
> 203 million and 954 million are also within the same order of magnitude.
By the tiniest amount you were able to be vaguely correct congrats. Nearly 5x as many people supported the invasion of Iraq compared to the invasion of Ukraine.
> I think no more discussion is warranted here.
Go ahead and scurry into the darkness like the rest of the Russian propagandists with confronted with reality.
As I mentioned. You did read what I wrote, right?
It mirrors this map:
Where, again, the distribution of opinions is more easily explained by "we don't generally want to endorse invasions as a concept, because we're afraid of them" and "we got leaned on".
Although the UN vote was presented as an unequivocal condemnation of Ukraine invasion, the condemnation of the invasion actually came from countries representing just over 40% of the world's population.
The % of the world population that sanctioned Russia (i.e. that made a gesture that involved sacrifice) was smaller still.