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I can’t believe the author doesn’t allow conversion to JavaScript

It’s the most popular language for heavens sakes. Developers really need to stop bringing their religion into open source.

> Developers really need to stop bringing their religion into open source.

Says the person complaining "why isn't my language supported"


Then why is the tool not written in it?

That's a take.

I'd laugh, but LLMs actually made me begin to reconsider my dismissal of JavaScript and Python. They're still annoying, and the wider ecosystem is a disaster, but for the first time ever, I see personal value in working with the most popular tools: their popularity means that they're what LLMs work best with. So if I'm going to involve GPT-4 in some coding, I'm better off using JS or Python than asking for e.g. Lisp.

Type helps LLM, so possibly TypeScript become the king for LLM era. I don't know.

Delusion and cognitive dissonance run deep for a large chunk of the JS world.

The interpreter and JIT for which are written in C++, so... Is C++ even more universal?


The literal example shown in the README has targetlang set to nodejs. Maybe it's a bit odd to specify the runtime instead of the language, but in practice, that's maybe more useful.

would be cool to see a loop of:

js ⇒ python ⇒ js

and then compare the output JS w/ the input JS. could get wilder too like:

js ⇒ rust ⇒ typescript ⇒ java ⇒ js

I've always felt bad charging so much for so few lines.

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