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I hope that with generative AI and LLM everyone will have professor for any subject in their laptop and wont need expensive and useless college degree.

Why have thousands colleges and employ thousands of professors (and useless admin people) who teach the same textbook subject and gove same homework assignments? Not even mentioning completely useless and unrelated to higher education industry of “college athletics”.

Something decentralized and local, with focus on self-learning, group learning, peer tutoring, and AI will make Harvard quality education accessible and almost free for anyone. It will be a matter of personal effort and skills to learn and obsorb such knowledge

This will be possible in a few years 100%

A Harvard education is not the textbooks nor the lectures, but the name and connections afforded to an alumni.

Names and connections did matter before Internet. It is overrated these days for most people.

A knowledgeable specialist with experience will have strong local connections and can have his name popularized globally on Internet, just by getting good visibility online projects/blogs/research/etc.

You dont need harvard connections to create value for the society.

You're right, but people associated with Harvard will still have a leg up compared to most other people. If there weren't these small "cool kidz clubs" that amplify and bolster each others' reputations even when not deserved, experts would be more uniformly recognized regardless of background. That is more optimal than cronyism for pooling talent.

There are plenty of these cool kidz clubs for elites, like your local polo club, country club, golf club, sailing/yacht club, skiing & snowboarding club etc.

AA is such a silly band aid solution that only benefits rich, while the optimal solution should be to lift lives of all poor people across the board.

Institutions such as harvard will lose their relevance over time, for example nobody cares about harvard CompSci people.

If all this kind of problems are cause by a social club that has no other benefits than being a social club, then there is an obvious solution. Remove it from the education system and turn it into a fraternal order, like Freemasons and Odd Fellows. SCOTUS do not have any power over those.

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