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I had zero social circle and no significant other in my life, until I started drinking. World opened up for me after I started consuming alcohol. Edit: However, you need to be responsible. Alcohol badly derailed my life once.

    no significant other in my life, until I started drinking
I have heard this from other men. I don't know what to make of it. Please do not read that as me judging you. Thank you to share. That is a tough thing to "say out loud" (on the InnerWebs).

My best friend from uni did not start drinking until his 30s. He never had a girlfriend before he drank. Something bothers me so much when I think about it. He is married now and a very decent husband -- really cares about his wife. What if he never started drinking and never met anyone? Sheesh.

Assuming hetero-normative for a moment, what do women think about this?

Check out the movie "Another Round" with Mads Mikkelsen [1]. Summary: Four high-school teachers consume alcohol on a daily basis to see how it affects their social and professional lives.

In summary, it helped some and hurt others!


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