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With all due respect, white people don't need your forgiveness. When will the black Africans who's ancestors sold people into slavery earn your forgiveness? They don't need it either.

No one alive in the US has legally owned slaves. The more we focus on this insane rhetoric of "sins of the father" the longer it will take for everyone to just see each other as humans. I'm a jew from a tiny family, most of them died in the holocaust and Russia. I don't expect reparations from the current Germans or Russians, they had nothing to do with it. I came to this country in my early teens with my parents who had literally a few k to their names after selling all their possessions in our home country.

My dad died essentially a pauper. My brother and I each are by all measures financially and socially successful now. People should stop spending so much effort blaming the past for their present, just get on with it. Its your life, do or do not.

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