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> As the summers get hotter and drier

According to: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=yearly+rainfall+in+albe... there has been no change in rainfall or temperature in Alberta over the past 70 years.

That source shows temperature trending up. What’s more, the article discusses the precipitation and temperatures in the summer months. It helps little if the winters have gotten colder and wetter. Frozen undergrowth doesn’t decompose much, and more snow just runs off into the rivers as it melts in spring.

> That source shows temperature trending up.

No it does not. Change to "All Data", and the temperature line is straight.

I don't know what to tell you... the trend line from the first data point in Wolfram shows an upward slope. And anyway, that's beside the point because it's full-year data, not summer temps.

No. The temperature trend shows an upward slope from 1980 to present.

Eyeballing it, about 32F to 38F over the period. 30F if you extend back to the beginning of data in 1960.

Are we looking at the same data? Cuz I see the temperature going up around 5ish degrees since the 60s and almost no rainfall the last few years according to your link. I’m on mobile so I can’t see exact numbers but it’s definitely noticeable.

The no rainfall is just missing data, not actually no rainfall.

Where do you see 5 degrees? Make sure to switch to "All Data", not "Last Week" - there has been zero change to the temperature.

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