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> but racism and anti-racism have been there since the beginning and will probably dominate US politics until the last person who remembers the KKK is dead.

The KKK has nothing to do with it fundamentally. Matters of racism and similar (it doesn't just have to be about race, this is a problem of collectivism, of which racism is a subset) will dominate the politics of any highly diverse nation (diverse not necessarily pertaining only to race of course), and without exception.

See: what has been going on in Sweden the past decade (it has gotten worse as Sweden has gotten more diverse). Or see: the forever riots in France by the poor minorities there that have never integrated into French culture.

uh... as a Frenchman, I've noticed a lot of riots, but it's generally white people/native Frenchies doing the whole "fuck the government" thing.

It's probably important to understand that protesting is to France what baseball is to America - the national pastime.

I'd say most immigrants I know, including the largest groups from North Africa, follow an integration pattern similar to east Asians I met whilst living in the US.

Furthermore, I believe that actually political views dominate race when it comes to tribalism:

from https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/30/i-can-tolerate-anythin...

> Okay, fine, but we know race has real world consequences. Like, there have been several studies where people sent out a bunch of identical resumes except sometimes with a black person’s photo and other times with a white person’s photo, and it was noticed that employers were much more likely to invite the fictional white candidates for interviews. So just some stupid Implicit Association Test results can’t compare to that, right?

Iyengar and Westwood also decided to do the resume test for parties. They asked subjects to decide which of several candidates should get a scholarship (subjects were told this was a genuine decision for the university the researchers were affiliated with). Some resumes had photos of black people, others of white people. And some students listed their experience in Young Democrats of America, others in Young Republicans of America.

> Once again, discrimination on the basis of party was much stronger than discrimination on the basis of race. The size of the race effect for white people was only 56-44 (and in the reverse of the expected direction); the size of the party effect was about 80-20 for Democrats and 69-31 for Republicans.

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