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One of the things of "why not class only" is because in America race matters a lot. I mean it quite literally: studies have shown simply having a black-sounding name makes you equivalent to a white-sounding name of an order of magnitude less qualification. In some cases black people with a college degree have job prospects similar to a white person with a felony record.

> studies have shown simply having a black-sounding name makes you equivalent to a white-sounding name of an order of magnitude less qualification.

Can you link to a study showing this? How did this study define what an "order of magnitude less qualification" means?


Here's a PDF. White people with a criminal record are received more positively than noncriminal black-sounding people.

"Employment discrimination against people with criminal records, especially in entry-level positions, is rampant, as demonstrated by a 2005 report produced by the Commission called “Race at Work: Realities of Race and Criminal Record in the NYC Job Market” written by Drs. Devah Pager and Bruce Western. [1] The report relied on results from matched pairs of testers of young white, Latino, and African-American men who applied for 1470 entry-level jobs throughout New York City. Not only were whites more likely to get a callback or job offer than Latinos or African-Americans, African-Americans were nearly half as likely to be considered as whites.[2] When white testers presented with a recent felony record, they were as likely as Latinos and much more likely than African-Americans to receive a callback or job offer.[3] Overall, people with criminal records are only half as likely to get a call back than those without; for African-American applicants, the likelihood is reduced to one-third.[4]"

from https://www.cssny.org/news/entry/testimony-in-support-of-tes...

Got it, so not studies in the sense of a peer reviewed publication. Maybe something more like a "position paper."

You can't exactly double-blind study black people but how many studies do you really need? My original stance was only "in some cases, discrimination exists". You're really ridiculous about the bar of evidence you expect from me here.

"Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination" https://cos.gatech.edu/facultyres/Diversity_Studies/Bertrand...

"Systemic Discrimination Among Large U.S. Employers" https://academic.oup.com/qje/article/137/4/1963/660593

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