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But you can check your Spam folder if you disagree with the classification. Don't you agree the current anti-spam systems are rather good? Very rarely do they make a mistake. I haven't seen a spam in ages.

> to expect to use AI to solve a problem created by using AI, is wishful thinking

Fight fire with fire. Manual verification can't keep up with bots. We need "protective AI" to counter "aggressive AI".

Some spam is just thrown away, not put into your Spam folder, so there's some lost opportunity to disagree (and it's hard to judge whether you would have without seeing the spam).

Also, GMail is no longer good at detecting spam. It consistently puts my phone bill into spam, as well as other repeat emails I've marked as not spam. More importantly, I get bursts of actual, obvious spam in my inbox at least twice a month, possibly more often. Maybe Google has just given up and some other anti-spam system is better.

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