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Any reason that paradigm can't be used for credit card payments? Perhaps people are reluctant to put in their credit numbers i imagine

A credit card generally is meant to give a person credit. In third world countries, lots of people are poor, and do not have access to credit. The credit cards that they do have access to charge absurdly high interest rate, and most working class people should probably stay away from them.

There’s that and also credit cards are usually paid, a monthly or yearly, so not everyone has them. Pix is free so penetration is much higher.

The degree of fraud with credit cards is huge in Brazil, so for us it wouldn’t bring about trust in a legal setting: someone could’ve just cloned your card and signed a document in your stead, without you ever knowing. Pix has the added benefit that the person needs to physically hold the phone, input the bank passcode and/or biometrics, in order to pay it.

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