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Begging the question a bit aren't we with the assumption that CBDCs will exist?

Yeah, I struggle to see how a government convinces a population that they should switch to a currency where every penny they spend can be traced.

That's how the current system works unless you use physical cash or something like Monero (but even in those cases, it's not guaranteed to be untraceable).

A CBDC just takes all the BS of having many different systems to process payments, manage bank accounts, etc. etc. and unifies it under one system.

Implying that "every penny" cannot be traced with the current systems we have is a misnomer.

I'll go further than implying every penny can't be traced in the current system to stating it as a matter of fact. The default for cash is that it isn't traced.

There are plenty of nit-picky exceptions, but I know for a fact that I or anyone else can transact in complete privacy with cash if we take the most minimal of precautions.

If in fact the current system can trace every penny then our governing officials have a lot of explaining to do as to why human trafficking still happens with USD transactions.

it s still a counterfactual question

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