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The numbers are not bad, and in many cases they might even be totally natural (eg. e330 citric acid, the acid present on citrus fruits).

I worry more about what's not in the labels (like pesticides used, antibiotics in meats, packaging etc). Your approach seems to be directionally correct tho, if you source your ingredients right.

I believe a lot of this is leached from packaging, not even put directly in the food. How about we stop using plastic foil, foil laminated paper and plastic trays for everything? Glass was fine, plain paper was fine, waxed paper was fine, even non-laminated cans are fine.

That's why I'm so happy Yuka exists. It's an app that scans barcodes of foodstuffs or cosmetics, and gives you an easy and clear scoring of the stuff inside them based on how good are they for you and for the planet (e.g. too much sugar, lots of protein, high impact on the environment, local or not, additives, etc.).

Of course it doesn't work on stuff without barcodes like vegetables and fruit, meat bought fresh, etc. but still it's extremely helpful and useful.

Oh wow. Thank you. Never heard of Yuka until now. Used it all morning to scan barcodes! Love it.

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