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I had someone from our diversity team say, in a meeting of 100+, that the problem that the team are trying to combat is "whiteness". This coming from a white woman who quite openly said that she'd only recently started identifying as diverse because one of her parents spoke a non-English language.

Oh boy... sounds like a piece of work :P

I know the type you're referring to—people punchdrunk on their own performative "activism" who love to make everything about themselves—and they're pretty cringey, but at least in my experience they're far from the norm on corporate DEI teams. Honestly super ballsy of her to pull the Diverse White Lady move like that... I'd be shocked if no one else on the team gave her a talking-to, unless (1) she's the boss or (2) everyone else on the diversity team is white.

(Which does happen, and isn't great, but also is pretty funny in juxtaposition with the claims you'll hear about DEI teams being radical Marxist plots or whatever. Half the time these teams are just a bunch of HR managers named Linda who get the letters in LGBT mixed up.)

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