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I'm very skeptical this is going to be nice to use. People barely tolerate touchscreens (i.e. phone yes, laptop - maybe, desktop - no).

This is a button which has no physical presence at all.

Yeah. On a touchscreen you get at least a tactile resistance of the feeling of touching something rather than the air, although you don't feel whether you touch the virtual button or not, or when you are successfully pressing it. On hand tracking you don't feel anything at all. Controllers have a large advantage here.

Maybe Apple deliberately decided against including optional controllers, to make it clear that they are aiming at AR, not VR gaming. But even in AR the lack of tactile feedback could be jarring.

Apple has a 3d keyboard that you can reach out and type on. Tactile feedback is replace with visual feedback - the letters glow more as your finger gets near and they "pop" when you make contact.

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