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Can I build or write code in a Windows Machine? I don't have Mac as of now.

That's not how the Apple ecosystem works

Apple extracts a massive developer tax in the form of 400% markups on storage and absurd pricing on RAM as well. Sorry.

You can try hackintosh. Depending on your hardware, it may work anywhere from great to not at all.

Developing against a beta API for an unreleased platform is going to be outrageously frustrating on a brand new MacBook, I can't imagine how infuriating it would be trying to do the same on a Hackintosh.

If your goal is to hack around and try to get anything at all to work it might be fun, if your goal is to actually build a working VisionOS app, I'd probably suck it up and spend the $1000 on used MacBook.

If you do want a real Mac but want it cheap, a used Mac Mini would be a better option IMO.

Yeah Xcode on Hackintosh works (at least when I used it a few years ago)

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