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>The Quest headsets have sold 20 million units

This is kind of my point though. Over a hundred billion dollars invested by Facebook to sell 20 million units over 5 years (all at or below hardware cost). That's still a tiny drop in the bucket compared to mainstream adoption in the sense of iPhones and iPads. You could add up every headset ever sold by any company since Oculus 1 released in 2016, and it would still be less than the number of iPhones sold last year alone, both in units and revenue.

We are still waiting to see whether it will happen for VR. Apple just announced the first true second gen headset, so hopefully that does the trick.

I hope I live to be old enough that things sold to millions can succeed with their own story, instead of being subjected to eternal comparison to the iPhone story

It launched my career, but it’s such a poor comparison point for success. The iPhone replaced existing phones, it wasn’t a de novo market, or even technology really.

I didn’t review your FB #s carefully, but my guess is it performs some sort of coarse operation to guesstimate incremental employee cost due to VR

>I hope I live to be old enough that things sold to millions can succeed with their own story, instead of being subjected to eternal comparison to the iPhone story

VR has absolutely "succeeded" in the sense that it's a neat toy to play games with that we didn't have before. But for it to be anything more than that, yes the iPhone analogy is apt. Otherwise it remains a niche PC gaming peripheral, and nothing more (i.e. where we've been stuck for the last 5 years).

The Quest is perhaps a gaming console, but it is very much not a PC peripheral.

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