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> the info is probably something I’m interested in

So if you were a pregnant woman you’d agree that these ads are bad because they deliberately misrepresent themselves. If you’re researching what to do with your pregnancy you’d surely want your search results to be accurate?

> As a pregnant woman deciding what I do with my pregnancy

For what it’s worth I’m pretty sure someone googling “abortion center near me” has decided what to do with their pregnancy anyway.

> For what it’s worth I’m pretty sure someone googling “abortion center near me” has decided what to do with their pregnancy anyway.

I think it’s hard to speak for everyone in such a way and everyone is different. Personally, I’ve googled this exact thing and hadn’t made up my mind yet.

This is a hard problem to google to solve, but they do make one off exceptions for banned types of ad buys. Off the top of my head, they voluntarily add restrictions for who can advertise for drug names. Not sure how they decide, but I suppose some abortion rights advocacy group could write a letter asking google to limit who can advertise related to abortion.

Although I could see this being a Supreme Court case if the anti-abortion folks are willing to pursue.

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