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> Abortion is a complex and controversial issue.

Your writing the words down does not make it so. It isn't particularly complex, and it isn't particularly controversial in the United States, even among Republicans; people want abortion rights and fringe groups want to deprive them of it.

Edit: also, I can't believe you baited me into arguing about whether abortion should be allowed or not. Just in case you aren't actually familiar with these "crisis pregnancy centers" and how they work, this is about physical buildings that literally masquerade as abortion centers who are ready to help people get their needed abortions, and instead string them along until it's legally or medically too late.

Of course people who believe abortion is problematic should be allowed to freely say so. That is not the activity that these frauds are engaged in.

>> fringe groups want to deprive them of it

I’d hardly call extremist right-wing Christians a ‘fringe group’, as much as I think most people wish they were...

‘Terrorist group’? Sure. Spot on. ‘Fringe’? Sadly not at all.

Look at the ongoing trans genocide as another example as to how big and how powerful these truly hate-filled people are.

EDIT: saw a disgusting uneducated dead comment below here saying it’s offensive to call the very real trans genocide a ‘genocide’ to others because I guess they’ve either done no research or are more likely just transphobic.

It’s sad to see even in usually amazing communities like this; that the denial of the trans genocide continues.

We can’t begin to fix a problem, before we acknowledge the problem exists, and this isn’t a deniable or debatable issue - it’s happening. Let’s not be ignorant hateful cretins by denying it. Please.

"Fringe" in terms of their popular support in this nominal democracy, I mean, not in terms of their power; you're quite right.

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