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Like searching for how to commit suicide and the top results being about dissuading you from it?

The analogy would work if suicide was legal and desirable and there were reputable suicide services a la Futurama.

1. When you say "desirable" here you're speaking relatively. Abortion isn't intrinsically something that the vast majority of women want, what they want is to not be pregnant for one reason or another.

2. Many, many people have middle-of-the-road opinions about abortion. Nudging them into carrying the human to term and giving it up for adoption isn't akin to selling fake services, it's more akin to organ donation.

Go to r/RegretfulParents and read about some of the stories of women who wanted abortions and were manipulated by these places at a vulnerable time in their life. It’s pretty horrifying.

Most of these places won’t help a lick once the baby is actually born.

Yes. It's a pro-birth movement, not life. Life lasts a long time and that's expensive and "something she should have thought about before having kids" or some such gymnastics. These same folks will gladly spit on a child because their parents are poor or talk about it like it's some kind of lesson they deserve.

Well I can't speak for these places since I've never worked for them or used them, but that being said, giving up a child for adoption is very, very easy. Even fire halls take children, no questions asked.

I understand that there are regretful parents, but keep in mind these things:

1. These very parents were given the gift of making it to adulthood to make a choice they regret, something that unborn children do not get to make.

2. Adults regret many things and the choice for carrying a baby to term while adoption is such a viable option is far from the top of the list of things that someone regrets in life. It is much more likely for someone to regret getting married than for them to regret giving birth.

3. Ethics truly do matter. It is not what someone does when the manager of the bank is standing over them and they check their balance with their debit card that matters. It is what they do when the ATM erroneously displays a much higher balance in the middle of the night in a dark and seedy bar that counts. In the same way, resisting the dehumanizing characterization of unborn humans matters most in societies where this is common place enough for these decisions to carry weight, and there are many example from history that highlight the same type of moral dilemmas. It seems strange standing in the present and being confronted with a challenge that we may very well be "the bad guys" but the same was true of slavers and many other horrible types of people.

1. You think adoption is the answer? Well, how many children have you adopted?

2. In the US, there are currently 60,000 children 2-years or younger in foster care. Based on that, I’d say putting a child up for adoption isn’t all that easy.

3. There are many reasons a person does not want to carry a fetus to term. Maybe they are a rape or incest victim? Maybe they don’t want to their body to permanently changed by pregnancy? Maybe they don’t want to risk death during childbirth? Or maybe maybe it’s none of our fucking business why they want to have an abortion.

There are 20 countries in the world where suicide is considered illegal, which is a weird concept on its own. Here’s the map: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_legislation.

Now, if we talked about assisted suicide…

> Marijuana

Illegal, straight to jail, and morally bad

> Assisted Marijuana

Totally legal and morally good

I know you're being sarcastic, but medical marijuana in various US States has basically been this.

>> comparing weed to suicide

You okay there, bud?

> Illegal, straight to jail, and morally bad

It depends on where you are: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis

No because suicide and abortion are not comparable.

There are all sorts of ways you can compare them. For example, you just compared them.

Another: “they are both controversial topics”.

Any attempt to invoke suicide in a discussion about abortion is pure whataboutism, as this thread is aptly demonstrating.

Notably, Kagi considered but declined to implement this functionality, out of principle (basically the very principle we're debating right here).


("Suicide results should probably have a "don't do that" widget like google")

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