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> with a classic dose of American "my child is better than you."

Off topic, but to me (an asian) this is an asian stereotype.

Seems like it's actually a stereotype for everyone. I wonder if people from an european country think "my child is better than you" is their stereotype too.

Just to share a different but sympathetic point of view, I grew up in white American suburban culture without particular awareness of Asians (till high school anyway), and the dynamic of “my child is better than you” was there (and unremarkable.) (We didn’t think of ourselves as Europeans but probably all were 100-200 years earlier). So I didn’t and still don’t really conceive of “my child is better than you” as a particularly Asian or even American trait, I consider it universal and associated with a mix of parental competitiveness, striving, and identity.

That said, I would acknowledge this dynamic does fit into particular other stereotypes of Asian (and Jewish) subcultures within the broader American context. You aren’t wrong that that could be in play. I’m just saying it’s not a “dog whistle” of Asian stereotyping without some additional Asian-signaling context. At least in my view/world.

Euro-nope, never came across it apart from 'rich people', - and several Americans I know (true to that particular stereotype).

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