As an alternative to gc you can page through selections with parens and alt-space to dismiss individual selections.
And that’s great, it means kakoune is capable of accomplishing the same task via an equivalent multiple-cursors trick.
But it’s not the way my mind works. It forces me to go through and prune the set of cursors before I start making the substitution. I don’t want to do that! I want to write the text of the substitution first (for the common case) and then y or n to yay/nay each substitution because often I don’t know (and don’t want to think about) everything my search pattern matched.
its also easier to compose filters, eg matching all lines that contain regex A and B regardless of order
I can count on one hand the number of times I really needed to do that in the two decades I’ve been using vim.
This is really the crux of the issue with Kakoune. It takes the good enough philosophy of vim’s composable count-motion-commands and tries to achieve apotheosis with a visual-motion-multiple-cursors scheme. In search of the perfect tool to let an octopus to edit the file everywhere at once, it leaves us humans behind. It also ignores the lessons of “Worse is Better” [1] in pursuit of philosophical purity.
And that’s great, it means kakoune is capable of accomplishing the same task via an equivalent multiple-cursors trick.
But it’s not the way my mind works. It forces me to go through and prune the set of cursors before I start making the substitution. I don’t want to do that! I want to write the text of the substitution first (for the common case) and then y or n to yay/nay each substitution because often I don’t know (and don’t want to think about) everything my search pattern matched.
its also easier to compose filters, eg matching all lines that contain regex A and B regardless of order
I can count on one hand the number of times I really needed to do that in the two decades I’ve been using vim.
This is really the crux of the issue with Kakoune. It takes the good enough philosophy of vim’s composable count-motion-commands and tries to achieve apotheosis with a visual-motion-multiple-cursors scheme. In search of the perfect tool to let an octopus to edit the file everywhere at once, it leaves us humans behind. It also ignores the lessons of “Worse is Better” [1] in pursuit of philosophical purity.