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I'm a very high level programmer, turned Data Scientist, turned founder (I successfully exited my prev startup). I still read this paper (a few years ago). I guess if you're "born" a programmer, all these nerdy/curious things are entertaining. One of my "developer" passions is multithreading and concurrency. Even now running my second startup, I, from time to time, sit to write some concurrent puzzle programs.

I also like to follow Tobi Lütke. The guy is the founder/CEO of Shopify (with all which that might entail), and he still tweets amazingly interesting low level coder stuff.

> sit to write some concurrent puzzle programs.

I concur. There's something about concurrency and multithreading that ticks your brain in a weird way. It keeps me stimulated.

My favorite is setting up a scenario that would normally be considered as a disasterous concurrency failure. Like intentionally messing up a `volatile` state. You can't ever have those in prod, of course, but seeing them in a controlled, _expected_ way tickles my brain in a very perverse way.

Any sample of your puzzle program that you may be willing to share? I want to perform my own experiments with multi threading but being a Javascript dev, it's not something I deal with quite often. Also great work on DataWars. The onboarding experience and the site layout is pleasant.

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