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Mandated peer review, planned actions, and automated risk evaluation are part of our infra pipeline. This typically doesn't exist outside of software dev style pipeline.

I was about to disagree but the automated risk evaluation (ARE) part definitely qualifies your whole statement. Going to go off on a tangent: how do we introduce automated risk evaluation to environments outside of software development. Implementing ARE as software is probably the most efficient method in terms of time and resources. But ideally (some) users of ARE should be able to improve on it. In the case of "traditional" engineering (civil/electrical/chemical etc.) there are engineers who specialize in numerical methods and can improve on ARE. But what about professions where software development skills are not as widespread (or seen as a legitimate contribution to the field). There are still probably going to be members of these professions with software development abilities but is there a point where other methods could be considered (i.e. electrical/mechanical methods) for ARE implementations.

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