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So the problem I have with this sentiment is that the entire point of news organisations is to trace the validity of claims.

The press have evolved a bunch of mechanisms to prove or disprove points in a story.

AI doesn't really change this.

Sure there are fakes, and yes you can create thousands of bullshit websites/text. But that was always true.

Yes GenAi images are more concerning. But we've had photoshop for a long time, and some very talented people. Yes its slightly harder to spot a genai image, but with the correct tooling, its pretty trivial.

The issue is, we have a crisis of funding for good quality news sources.

News is a freeby now. Which means that the news you get is now either much more partisan (because "they" whomever you find creepy/shadowy/disagreeable, who are smear all over the political spectrum) or simply doesn't have the time to do basic research (see standard tech journalism, breathlessly re-formulating press releases. See Apple Vision Pro)

So AI "propoganda" is a side show, the much bigger risk is a further dropping of standards amongst the assembled ranks of the press.

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