thanks, i wasn't aware of this. that's even more than i was looking for, except, the no commercial activity rule seems a bit limiting:
Not seek profit: An organization can accept donations to sustain its work, but it can’t seek to make a profit by selling services, by charging for enhancements or add-ons, or by other means.
so i can't sell services to sustain the project? there is a large difference between earning some money to help fund the project, making barely enough to be able to work on the project fulltime and actually making enough of a profit to afford commercial services.
if i am employed and work on a FOSS project on work time, then i am not selling any services, nor am i making a profit.
if i do exactly the same but as a contractor, then i am selling a service.
you may want to elaborate how you interpret and verify this rule.
also i'd rather have less free services but a more liberal allowance on commercial activity. like a regular free account but without the user limit.
user limits are very frustrating because they prevent me from managing all potential contributors, even if they are not very active.