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In the GP, I wrote about your claims about a whole country, based on some T-shirts.

That showed you to be a totally non-serious debater, ucee054.

You can't answer that (for the fourth time), so you link to an 86 year old individual and some activist organisations?!

Sad. You can't even admit failure, afterwards. You know the other side is evil.

What now? You'll lie? Here is a link to my first comment. You could maybe delete the parent?


Also, your claim that it is possible to debate this subjects with fanatics is proven wrong. QED.

Edit: Since you don't seem to know it, you can find groups having most any opinion in a democracy. So activist web sites is not exactly the best support.

You said "the glorifying of bombing/shooting children at close range. (No, it is not the Israeli side that do that.)" Thereby condemning the whole Palestinian "side" on the basis of unspecified "people".

I pointed out that the Israeli side do do that too. You then claimed it was only "some" Israelis. I pointed out that in fact it was the people pulling the trigger. And I provided references.

And I never claimed that every Israeli glorified that; in fact I have referenced Israelis who do not. So in fact I have nothing to answer you for.

However, you have to answer for smearing the entire Palestinian side without providing a single reference. Apart from unsubstantiated assertions, the information content of your posts has been nil. I will charitably presume that you meant to condemn Hamas.

In that case, let the facts against Hamas stand. And let the facts stand about the Israeli destruction of Palestinian infrastructure - which was the original topic. Readers are smart enough to make up their own minds.

I don't need to "debate" you point by point, especially since you go off topic and into ad-hominems. And Hacker News doesn't need your permission to cover topics you are uncomfortable about.

Since you don't seem to understand -- I argue that this is an impossible subject on HN, since the fanatics are just insane.

You support my position when you e.g. quote an 86 year old individual and political activists to "show" your position -- i.e. that the Israeli side is evil and guilty of everything bad that happened.

>>condemning the whole Palestinian "side" on the basis of unspecified "people"

It is policy/tactics from the Palestinian side to use terror. Not only Hamas. And glorifying murder of children at close range, etc.

You compared that with some T-shirts of individuals...

But you know exactly what I meant.

I stopped reading after you were dishonest in the first paragraph.

Are you trying to claim that all Palestinians are terrorists, and there is not a single innocent person amongst them?

Because I can think of plenty:

It is the policy of Palestinian civil society, including over 170 NGOs, to resist by non-violent means, specifically Boycott Divestment and Sanctions





>>Are you trying to claim that all Palestinians are terrorists

You assumed I wouldn't check back a few days later, so you could safely add another dishonest strawman attack?

Already in the brother comment to yours, I gave a link to one of my comments which answer this latest strawman. The relevant quote from it:

You do realize that there is a difference between an official policy (mural paintings and celebrations when children are murdered with a knife in their sleep, etc) -- and the attitudes of individuals.

I have made it repeatedly clear that I am talking about the innocent Palestinian civilians and not "official policy".

If you want to change the subject to "official policy", then state whose official policy. Specifically who. Hamas? Fatah? Who?

Unless it is somehow the "official policy" of the individual villagers being deprived of electricity in the original solar cells story, I will not be impressed.

Oh, and provide references. Your word isn't good enough.

I have been sprinkling references throughout my posts and, last time I checked, you had not not provided even one, yet you accuse me of dishonesty?

The nerve.

This time you came back 9 days later to ger the last word...

In my previous comment I showed that you knowingly lied about my opinions, then argued against your straw man.

Then, you claim I have nerve?!

And after you lie to make an argument, it is a bit late to start muttering about references.

(Besides, the latest discussion was your claim that the Mideast is a good subject for HN, which obviously is not the case -- because of the lying hate propagandists. Again, thanks for proving my point.)

I wrote:

>>But you know exactly what I meant.

In fact, I wrote the same thing one day earlier to ucee054. See second half of this: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3638221

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