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I post when browser makers announce their intent to ship features in web engines (botsin.space)
104 points by mooreds on June 20, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Not new, just a version of thing already made on twitter.

Awesome! This came to my attention when I saw a tweet from this bot which indicated the FedCM had an intent to prototype the FedCM AuthZ API.

The tl;dr is that the FedCM working group and the browser vendors are slowly working towards first-class APIs and UX for OAuth and authentication, so that federation will work when third party cookies are phased out.

Lots more details here:


Anyway, the point is, if you are interested in an evolving web API for your product, you should pay attention to what is happening among the big four: Chrome/Chromium, Edge, Safari, Firefox.

Yay, CSS subgrid is coming to Blink!

Subgrid is going to be so nice to have. Layouts that designers consider 'obvious' will be trivial to implement. No more hackery to make nested elements vertically align.

Would be difficult but excellent to have a count on how many browsers have issues intent to ships.

Great great bot here, even as is. The web is amazing.

I've pretty much given up on anyone but Apple implementing advanced color spaces.

on edit: it looks like canIuse says they are supported, and some lab demos seem to be working (in Mac on various browsers) even though Chrome's lab release notes reads to me like they have yet to even get started.

All major browsers have added proper support for all of the new ones a few versions ago!

I just went and looked at https://chromestatus.com/feature/4592567062626304?context=my... and it seemed like - no - which is why I felt downheated? I admit that can't find anything in Mozilla's spec search, but you're right looking at canIuse says they are supported now.

Yes. https://chromestatus.com/feature/4592567062626304 links to the implementation bug at crbug.com/1026287 which had been closed as a duplicate of crbug.com/1333988 which has been fixed.

ah ok thanks, apologies for my confusion but actually this is great news especially as I have some stuff I've been wanting to do with this for a long time.

Right. It'd just be nice to have these things better cross indexed.

hen I see an intent to ship, seeing other browser indicators/status would make that first browser's intent to ship more actionable.

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