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We do have private teams/communities. It is actually what we use internal for work. Mobile app is on the roadmap!

Mobile should be at the top of the roadmap, TBH. No mobile is a complete show-stopper.

I think it's commendable to build a chat alternative that is snappy. But right now, it's basically going to be a sync-ed mirror with Slack for everyone.

"It is actually kind of tricky to self host since there are quite a few services that needs set up and we could use quite a bit of work in our documentation." Uh... a second-degree showstopper for people looking for Slack alternatives. We have one-click deploys for rocket.chat and Zulip on digital ocean, vercel, render, etc.

Where do you believe your adoption will come from? I ask this sincerely. What is the burning pain that will lead people to adopt linen right now?

The whole "SEO" your community is such a red herring in my opinion. There are already many Discord, Slack, etc. bots that make public discussions readable and indexable. And LLM-integrated bots that automatically summarize discussions.

Why not prioritize what's really needed in this space: a) Super easy self hosting. Make the devops/infra team happy. b) Super snappy chat clients on desktop AND mobile. Make the users much happier than the alternatives. c) API compatability with Slack, maybe also Zulip and rocket.chat. Make the devs happy and eat the lunch of your competitors by making it super easy to port apps to linen. (And, get SEO + autosummarization features for FREE)

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