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Unlike Reddit Discord has a good client. Reddit forcing people on its official app is the issue, and would be less so if it was any good. As it is, it's not, because of a long list of bugs (as egregious as not displaying the right post, videos not playing...) and a long list of misfeatured (e.g. recommending me subreddits I have zero interest in, while the fact that I'm subscribed to dozens of subs might suggest I have content discovery dialled in...).

> Unlike Reddit Discord has a good client.

Absolutely untrue. The number of things you can't do with Discord vastly exceeds nearly every chat client out there that precedes it. Want to watch multiple chats? Fuck you. Want to filter notifications by server/sender/other criteria? Fuck you. Are you a power user? Fuck you. Do you want important content indexed by search engines? Fuck you. Want to break a conversation out into its own window? Fuck you.

Oh but hey it has a cute logo and you can post gifs. Because apparently people need to anthropomorphize their computers and are incapable of expressing themselves with their words.

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