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are there any websites like this but in context of cybersecurity?

What do you mean by "cybersecurity"? Cryptography exploits like this site are certainly a part of cybersecurity.

There are lots of challenge type security websites out there for various types of computer security. Some of my personal favourites include https://microcorruption.com/ and https://overthewire.org/wargames/natas/ . Check out also https://ctftime.org for live competitions

Microcorruption redirects to https://www.nccgroup.com/us/ and I can't locate the challenges so I assume they're gone.

https://microcorruption.com/ works just fine for me. It was recently ported from my original serverside Go backend to WASM.

That's interesting. Now it works for me as well, they must have fixed something.

HackTheBox (https://www.hackthebox.com/) is the largest and most active hacker challenge website. Focussed mainly around black box pentesting of vulnerable Windows and Linux machines, but they have lots of other types of content these days too such as CTF challenges and paid lab environments.

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