Do not have kids before buying a house. This will almost certainly guarantee you’ll never reach escape velocity to buy a house if you have standard income levels.
Also, it doesn’t actually matter much when you have kids. As long as you have a fertile partner and sufficient resources you can basically have them whenever.
The time to have kids depends on what parenting style you want. If you want a more hands off approach where you mostly just prevent kids from making stupid decisions while they decide their own course in life, it’s fine, perhaps advantageous being an older parent. If you prefer though to micromanage your kid and learn about life with them as you go along and get in arguments with them about the best way to do things, being younger is better.
Also, it doesn’t actually matter much when you have kids. As long as you have a fertile partner and sufficient resources you can basically have them whenever.
The time to have kids depends on what parenting style you want. If you want a more hands off approach where you mostly just prevent kids from making stupid decisions while they decide their own course in life, it’s fine, perhaps advantageous being an older parent. If you prefer though to micromanage your kid and learn about life with them as you go along and get in arguments with them about the best way to do things, being younger is better.