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Maybe, but I sort of doubt it.

IC -> mgmt transitions are a messy thing, and I've never personally experienced working at a startup where anyone had enough time to help the new manager get their bearings effectively. (I include myself in that group of people who made the IC->mgmt transition, and flailed.)

Good point. I kinda assume startups that have neither experienced managers/leaders nor self sustaining engineers gotta fail fast and we don't hear much about them.

I've mostly seen a mixed of both, with either senior staff supporting a youngish business team, or an experienced leader team pulling in youngish staff. The most intersting one was 4 old farts in the office next to us executing on their ideas like they'd play a jazz piece, there was clear tension, they were pretty loud, and the manager guy appeared more like riding a rodeo that playing the HR drone. But they looked crazy efficient.

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