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Unfortunately, as neither faculty nor a student at the University of Cambridge, according to the quote they’ve given me, requesting a digital copy of this document would cost 174£

Maybe just do a go fund me or something to raise the 174£? That is, if no students or faculty from the university of Cambridge see this and help.

Cambridge alum here (for my BA in 2009) but I'm in CA now. Would be willing to try putting in the request. Not sure how to contact Jonathan Chan... I'm not on any of the social media he lists in his site footer... Anyone see an email for him? Edit: nevermind, found it. Emailing him

Heard back. Turns out it has to be a current student, unfortunately. I'm sure he'll find somebody.

> Cambridge alum here (for my BA in 2009) but I'm in CA now. Would be willing to try putting in the request. Not sure how to contact Jonathan Chan...

Look at https://ionathan.ch/cv.html

Just post on r/cambridge and/or r/cambridge_uni reddit & ask if a current or ex-student or faculty member would be willing to request it from the stacks & make a copy.

There’s bound to be someone who’ll drop in a request on their behalf.

reddit is deadit

Yeah. I was being facetious. I just meant that many of us are avoiding it right now.

Finding a Cambridge student or faculty willing to help doesn't seem like it'd be super hard, the university has 6000 academic staff and 25000 students.

Even more so if alumni still have those accesses.

Alumni do have access, so yeas lots more!

> That is, if no students or faculty from the university of Cambridge see this and help.

The author has said on Twitter that he already knows someone at Cambridge he could ask: https://twitter.com/ionathanch/status/1663423421831602178

I was going to say the same. HN should make quick work of that, and even if it leads nowhere, the investigation is fascinating!

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