not op, but most states have standardized forms that real estate agents are required to use. This is probably a place holder until those forms are ready, but given that the entire point is to make a legal transfer, that should probably be looked at :) another way to look at it might be that this is for the early adopters who are interested in splitting what would normally be 6% commission, like other 'for sale by owner' sorts of sites.
(in other words, this isn't really re-treading new ground, which is probably a good thing... there are tons of other sites that focus on actually closing a sale with very little commissions involved.)
gunapologist99, the forms are built into the product. They are simple forms to read and understand. I have answered thousands of consumer real estate questions and it is apparent by the questions they ask that many consumers are not reading the contracts. They turn to their trusted advisor and ask them if the doc is OK to sign. This is s very poor practice for consumers, brought on in part by the internet. The bulk of consumer do not read Amazon's ToS, or any other site. We don't think we can force people to read them, but if we make the purchase doc simple, and easy to read, they will read it. IMO, PropBox is breaking new ground. There is zero commission. Sellers are paying for an ad that makes the transaction easy by bringing the customers together instead of keeping them apart. A real estate transaction can be a win-win not a tug of war. Thanks for your review and your interest. Richard
(in other words, this isn't really re-treading new ground, which is probably a good thing... there are tons of other sites that focus on actually closing a sale with very little commissions involved.)