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I can do tons of work if it's motivating. Most of what's available is tedium and incremental bullshit.

Actually I'll go further and say most of our work is a net negative for society. Ads are just psychological manipulation to trigger feelings of jealously and greed. Or producing new mixed plastic silicon junk with a 3-year supported software stack but could run for a decade but then millennia in the trash dump. PFAs in all our water supplies.

Okay even more demotivated now.

You may be interested in reading Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber, he wrote about that: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/david-graeber-bullsh...

Maybe change your perspective to be less sour about life, stress kills!

Then do something about it. Or if it bothers you too much but you’re not motivated enough to do anything about it, then it’s misplaced energy.

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